Exchange Rates

Exchange rates

You also have exchange rates/admin/exchange-rates Are currently hardcoded, we are planning in future features to take the CHF as the exchange rate of the time the transaction is taking place.

The calculation logic is as following

100 euro are 106 chf

1 eth is currently 166 chf

token_to_eth 0.69

eth_to_chf 166 eth_to_eur - ?? 1. 1 eth = 166 chf

2. 106 chf = 100 eur , 166 chf = x eurx = 166*100/106 = 156.6=> 166 chf = 156.6 eur = 1 eth => eth_to_eur = 156.6 ***token_to_eth 0.69eth_to_chf 166 eth_to_eur - 156.6

Last updated