Smart Contract Checklist

Token Issuer Checklist


  • Role: Deploy the contract and then transfer ownership to the Owner.


  • Role: Hold ownership of the smart contracts via a cold wallet.

  • Responsibilities:


  • Role: Higher authority than the Manager.


  • Role: Limited to Whitelisting and Minting tokens.

Other Roles

Contract and Token Management

  • Total Token Supply:

    • Ensure that only the total amount specified in the prospectus is issued.

  • Finalize Contract:

    • Cold Wallet Definition: The cold wallet is the owner wallet where digital assets are transferred once finalized.

  • Manager Functions:

    • Whitelist/Remove from whitelist.

    • Pause/unpause token and STO contract.

    • Non-ETH/MATICer purchase.

    • Finalize STO.

    • Adjust rate.

    • New manager whitelist another investor.

    • Remove manager.

    • Change allocation ratio crypto/fiat.

    • Handle FIAT contributions.

  • FIAT Contributions:

    • Add 88 token contribution to user (FIAT investor).

    • Add 1337 token contribution to user.

    • Claim FIAT tokens.

  • Contract Dates:

    • Check start and end date of the contract.

    • Send tokens after contract ends.

    • Extend contract.

  • Date and Time Conversion:

  • Minimum Contribution:

    • Set minimum contribution amount as per prospectus (minimum is one token).

    • Test transactions:

      • 0.57 ETH/MATIC transaction.

      • 1.1 ETH/MATIC transaction (refunded).

      • 0.9 ETH/MATIC transaction (refunded).

  • Token Price:

    • Set price per token in ETH/MATIC as per prospectus (e.g., 0.57 ETH/MATIC).

  • Pause/Unpause Contract:

    • Test adding whitelisting entries.

    • Send transaction from non-whitelisted and whitelisted users.

  • Maximum Contribution:

    • Not required.

  • Investment Tests:

    • Test investments over the whitelisted amount.

    • Handle scenarios:

      • Not whitelisted.

      • Whitelisted but sent a higher amount than KYCED.

      • Whitelisted and sent the exact amount as KYCED.

  • Additional Whitelisted Investors:

    • Handle scenarios of sending too much or additional KYC.

    • Suggest using another address for updated limits.

  • Token Claims After STO:

    • Use function hash "48c54b9d" to claim tokens via MEW and Metamask.

  • Burn Token Function:

    • Use to burn unsold remaining tokens.

    • Handle freezing, blacklisting, and burning tokens.

  • 2/4 Multisig (Gnosis):

    • Handle sending to non-whitelisted and whitelisted users after STO ended.

    • Only the owner can whitelist.

    • Add random token amount so whitelist goes through.

Last updated